I can honestly say that this is the first church that, ideologically and theologically, I agree with. I've checked byline after byline, issue after issue, and I'm about 98% on the money with the Methodist worldview. There are no words to describe how exciting this is for me: I never thought I'd find a church where it was okay for me to be intellectually curious and challenging without being accused of being heretical.
I'm no longer lost in the fundamentalist camp!!!! YAY!!!
I just bought a book that will likely frighten my mother: Saving Dawin: How to be a Christian and Believe in Evoltion.

I'm not sure where I'll swing either way, but I want it to be my swing: not my parents' or anyone else's. So I'm really looking foward to reading this book and deciding for myself where I stand.
Though I must confess: part of me gets evil kicks and giggles out of the idea of putting a Darwin fish and a Jesus fish kissing each other on the back of my car. Thanks for that, Becky. Lol!

Just as long as your ok with God using any means to create the world (whether it be evolution or not) and don't ever think you figured it all out, I think we'll be ok =p
Personally, I believe in micro evolution - however, the whole man came from apes thing contradicts everything I believe in with humans being created in God's image and out of the dust of the earth. So, evolution from species to new species is not going to work well for me.
But God is in control of whatever he did =p
Personally, not a fan of methodist cuz I don't think they put as much stock into scripture.
Actually, the very first tenet of Methodism is Scripture first...then tradition, reason, and experience. Everything that they do is based first on the scripture - specifically, as it is revealed in Jesus...the rest follows based on that. :P
I agree with you on the micro vs macro. To me, micro is just a fancy way of explaning species adaptation...macro is a little too far fetched for me to buy into.
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