Monday, July 20, 2009
Bravo, Jimmy Carter
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Methinks I may be a Methodist
I can honestly say that this is the first church that, ideologically and theologically, I agree with. I've checked byline after byline, issue after issue, and I'm about 98% on the money with the Methodist worldview. There are no words to describe how exciting this is for me: I never thought I'd find a church where it was okay for me to be intellectually curious and challenging without being accused of being heretical.
I'm no longer lost in the fundamentalist camp!!!! YAY!!!
I just bought a book that will likely frighten my mother: Saving Dawin: How to be a Christian and Believe in Evoltion.

I'm not sure where I'll swing either way, but I want it to be my swing: not my parents' or anyone else's. So I'm really looking foward to reading this book and deciding for myself where I stand.
Though I must confess: part of me gets evil kicks and giggles out of the idea of putting a Darwin fish and a Jesus fish kissing each other on the back of my car. Thanks for that, Becky. Lol!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

It has been three months and twelve days since I broke up with my former fiance, who I had been with for one year and four months.
A month after we'd broken up, he called me and told me he "might have met a girl."
Two days ago, I found out he was officially "in a relationship", a la facebook.
Yesterday, I was informed that he is no longer merely in a relationship: he is now engaged...
to a girl he's dated for, at most, two months.
There really are no words to describe my emotional reaction to this; I'm not really sure I even know how I feel myself. The only thing I can keep thinking is "Wow." Just "wow."
I've gone from "Love of his life" and "the one that got away" to "replaced by some random new chick" in the blink of an eye.
Two months.Two months.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Success...sort of

So, Ashley and I tried baking chocolate chip cookies with almond flour word: SUCCESS!!!!!!! Oh my goodness! They are soooooo yummy! All we did was take an ordinary chocolate chip recipe and modified it a bit: we used Splenda bround sugar substitute and 3 cups of almond flour instead of 2 cups of regular flour. The consistency was a little different than normal cookies and, because they didn't rise, we initially had "cookie cake." However, with some creative shape cutting, Ashley and I might even go so far as to say that almond flour cookies are BETTER tasting than normal chocolate chip cookies! She, Ben, and I have already come close to devouring half the batch! Too awesome!
On the downside, I've been feeling a little discombobulated lately. Emailed an old professor asking him to look at my poetry portfolio...his reply email indicated that he didn't even give it an honest look over (didn't notice major changes, indicated that he'd mostly skim read, etc). It was more than a little disheartening...I was so excited about making progress on a portfolio for grad school: silly as it may seem, little things like this make me question whether or not I should even be doing such a thing.
Maybe I just don't fit...
*sigh* Hooray for PMS induced melancholic musings.
I can only hope that God will make my path clear...and that, once on it, I will find joy in the journey (instead of resenting the roads not travelled). We'll see how it goes.